Milk…The Success Cocktail

Milk and cooky
Image by Salim Virji via Flickr

Got Milk?  It’s nature’s wonder-serum that gives you everything you need to build bones and improve health.  Milk breeds perfection!  You can be drop dead gorgeous like Naomi Campbell, an ageless sports hero like Brett Favre, or a songstress like Taylor Swift with the magic of a milk mustache.  What do all of these people have in common?  They still drink milk like kids and push through any and all obstacles to pursue their goals in life.  The irony is that adults are very partial in what they accept and apply from childhood.  A child’s beverage is deemed valuable, but juvenile courage is considered senseless and inappropriate.   You’re not just being sold Milk, you’re being sold success through liquid courage.  Get your fill!

Are you still just holding and analyzing that glass of super juice?  What would you do differently starting today if you knew failure wasn’t a possibility?  Would you go back to school?  Become an entrepreneur?  Interview for a new job?  Enter into a committed relationship?  What’s keeping you from doing these things now?   Is fear and discomfort silencing that voice within you that wants to venture out?

Lose the fear.  It’s nothing more than a barrier you create to short-change yourself.  Don’t put limits on living up to your true capabilities.   If you were going to play the lotto for a $100 million jackpot you wouldn’t ask the cashier for a cheaper ticket for a lower payout.  So don’t play the low stakes with your life.

I remember growing up and learning how to play baseball.  I would sit in the batter’s box waiting for the underhand pitch to come across the plate for the chance to send it deep into the outfield.  The only problem was I couldn’t seem to introduce the bat to the ball.  After countless attempts and mounting frustration, my Dad helped me realize something.  It wasn’t that I couldn’t aim at the ball.  I simply wouldn’t allow myself to lose the fear and swing.  Anxiety was my confidence-zapping monster.  Once I shelved the monster and focused on having fun, baseball became exactly what I wanted – a new game I could enjoy.  Set yourself free.  Stop choking the bat and allow your good to become great.

It’s not the circumstances we can’t control that are keeping us from maximizing our potential.  It’s us.  We keep holding ourselves back.  The Wright Brothers didn’t just give up on the concept of man flying like birds and opt to build a kite.  They didn’t let their understanding of gravity and mother nature derail their passion.  They built a plane.  You know what to do.  Get the hell out of your own way.

What about the people in your social circles?  Consider how much influence others have on your life. It’s probably much greater than you’ve led yourself to believe.  I’m not saying you need to surround yourself with nothing but people that think the way you do.  Growth takes a difference in perspectives to get outside of the box.  But ask yourself: are the people I’m around helping me build a plane, or are they stoking the fear?

How would you classify your personality and approach to life?  I’ve been told I’m overly optimistic.  In my opinion, most of those critiques came from overly pessimistic people.  Optimism is ground zero for dream creation. Pessimism is the catalyst for shattering hope.  Don’t be naïve – pessimism can be a solid reality check.  Just keep it on a short leash.

Lofty dreams and goals are real, not ridiculous.  Things that seemed lofty to me years ago are realistic today.  Everything that I’ve done in my career has been a trial of some sort, but at the same time I’ve treated everything I’ve done as something I could be the best at, in time.  I’ve gone from roles in Advertising to Sales positions and am always looking for new avenues to grow.  I’ve created student television shows, done freelance photography, and helped start a non-profit.  The point is – if you aren’t setting lofty goals, how will you ever reach your limits?  Don’t accept mental boundaries.  The brain only knows what you’ve exposed it to up to this point.  Navigators thought the world was flat for centuries, but it was a dedication to test the boundaries that proved it round.  Test your assumptions. Don’t let anyone or anything convince you the ceiling isn’t made of glass.

So what are you afraid of?  Break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend named “Fear.” You are what you eat, so ingest positivity.  Modify your social circle.  Stop creating obstacles and complaining about the path being so tough!  Dream bigger.  Set goals that will stretch you beyond comfort.  Get out of your doggone way. Everyone else isn’t the problem it’s you!  Yes, I’m telling you what to do.  Put your brain on the shelf and bring the “analysis paralysis” to an end.  Let loose and swing the bat.

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